About Us
Cultural Activity is also one of the many urges in mankind since the inception of human civilization. Though all the Art Forms are apparently different from folk to folks,from continent to continents,from one era to other but isn't it surprising to see people from each corners of the world can easily enjoy themselves and buzz in the same tune of realization !!!
KALABHUMI at 17 Pally, Kolkata is engaged in empowering harmonizing and iterating this eternal inner vibration . As a consequence it has evolved as a cultural body of the enthusiasts who primarily want to promote and enjoy the ODISSI DANCE which is a very special, gorgeous, traditional and religious form of Indian Art.
KALABHUMI under the mentorship of GURUSHREE Debarati Goswami has become a place of worship and fulfillment for the ODISSI DANCE study and performance.Apart from ODISSI equal importance is given to other Indian Nritya Kala like Folk dance, Creative dance, Dramatic Dance, Dance with Tagore's song etc.